mardi 25 novembre 2014

Conseils de NAMBLA, l’association pédophile américaine à ses membres:

[1- Before risking any direct sexual overture, you can tell a lot about a boy with a few well-placed sexual jokes or comments.
2- Leave a pornographic magazine someplace where he's sure to find it.
3- Masturbation and pornography go hand in hand. An aroused and adventurous adolescent with a positive view of sexuality may try just about anything to get off.

4- The best way for you to pursue boys is to emigrate from the US to a country or culture where boy-love has greater acceptance. Weigh the pros and cons of becoming involved yourself in sex tourism overseas.

5- See and find love from American boys on a platonic, purely emotional level.

6- For sexual satisfaction, travel once or twice yearly overseas. You might get arrested overseas but the legal consequences will be less serve.]

Extrait du livre "The last undercover: the true story of an FBI agent's dangerous dance with evil" de Bob Hamer.

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