mercredi 13 octobre 2010

President of Jesuit University ignores the needs of child sex abuse victims in Haiti

October 13, 2010

Jeffrey von Arx, S.J.
Fairfield University
Fairfield, Connecticut

Dear President von Arx,

It never ceases to amaze me that I am having to beg you, an ordained Catholic priest, to help feed, clothe, educate and provide medical assistance to the boys in Haiti who were sexually abused by Douglas Perlitz.

Just what is it, Father von Arx? Why do you refuse to help these suffering children?

A few of us are doing everything we can right now to gather enough money to pay for tuition, books, uniforms and supplies.

We're chipping away, one boy at a time, but now we are broke again.

What would it take for you to simply call me, or for you to say "Let's get together and talk?"

As you know, I will once again be distributing leaflets at the entrance to the university, this time to attendees of the annual Homecoming Weekend on October 23rd.

I am asking for their help to do the right thing for the victims.

I am Jesuit educated, Father Von Arx. My Jesuit teachers taught me that the service of my faith must include the promotion of justice.

Is it your opinion that I have no business standing on the Fairfield University campus as a visible reminder and presence for the boys who were raped and then abandoned in Haiti?

Is it your opinion that I should remain silent and say nothing about fair and appropriate justice for these boys?

Perhaps the bigger question, Father von Arx, is why you, a Jesuit priest, are not standing in solidarity with the victims of child sex abuse at Project Pierre Toussaint?

Paul Kendrick
Fairfield University '72
207 838 1319


"La vraie reconstruction d'Haïti passe par des réformes en profondeur des structures de l'État pour restaurer la confiance, encourager les investisseurs et mettre le peuple au travail. Il faut finir avec cette approche d'un État paternaliste qui tout en refusant de créer le cadre approprié pour le développement des entreprises mendie des millions sur la scène internationale en exhibant la misère du peuple." Cyrus Sibert
Reconstruction d'Haïti : A quand les Réformes structurelles?
Haïti : La continuité du système colonial d'exploitation  prend la forme de monopole au 21e Siècle.

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