jeudi 2 septembre 2010

For the well-being of the victims...SEMPER FIDELIS

Paul Kendrick,

I have launched the school program. Yesterday after an interview with the boys, I gave them money to pay for their school registration. This morning they came to my house with all information about tuition, books, bag, and everything necessary to go to school. I also paid rent for little house in slum area – very cheap – to put them in safe place. Help them leave the street which is an unsafe place; where they use to sleep.

I know that you don't have money. We also don't know if we will raise more funds. As "Haiti Funds" never said anything about the reopening of PPT, with faith, I launch the school program.

Those of us, who are more concern about the suffering of the victims then making money or gaining recognition from the situation, have to continue the fight. I am planning a meeting with Human right office of MINUSTAH at Cap-Haitian to seek if we could get food from WFP (World Food Program) that will help us save money so we can face more obligations.

I will add Douglas' former driver whose name is Boss Mo. He went with us to the beach and proposes his service to help while we are waiting from "Haiti Funds".

Never doubted of my loyalty!

As the Marines say: "SEMPER FIDELIS"

Cyrus Sibert, Cap-Haitian, Haiti.

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