lundi 23 août 2010

Fairfield University Alumnus to be present on campus as visible reminder of Fairfield University's abandonment of child sex abuse victims in Haiti

August 23, 2010

Rev. Jeffrey J. Von Arx, S.J.
Fairfield University
Fairfield, Connecticut

Dear President von Arx,

I would like your permission to stand peacefully on campus, on the first day of class (September 1st), just outside the Campus Center, with a sign, leaflets and a collection bucket to raise money for the abuse victims in Haiti.

If you choose not to allow me, a Fairfield University alumnus, to be on campus on this day for this purpose, then I will stand on town property at the main entrance to the university.

My presence is intended to be a visible reminder to the Fairfield University community that you, President Jeffrey von Arx, have ignored and abandoned the former Project Pierre Toussaint students who were raped and sodomized by Douglas Perlitz.

I am outraged by your recent statement to the press in which you pretend to be doing everything you can to help the abuse victims in Haiti. You are attempting to spin the truth for your own benefit at the very same moment that Perlitz's abuse victims in Haiti have no safe shelter, food and a school.

For many months, I have literally begged you to help provide for the boys' most basic and immediate needs.

You have done nothing.

These kids have been traumatized, not only by their sexual abuse, but also by the retaliation of community members who have threatened them physically and blamed them for the school being closed.

As you may know, a small group of abuse survivors and supporters in New England have contributed over $6,000 to help the boys. Thanks to their generousity, we have been able to provide each of the abuse victims with a new pair of shoes, a daily portion of rice, beans and spaghetti and some medical attention.

We go week to week, not knowing if there will be enough money to feed the kids in the days to come.

We also need money for tuition payments so the boys can attend school in September.

In conclusion, let me keep it simple.

While on (or off) campus on September 1st, I will hold a sign asking you, the President of Fairfield University, to donate a measly $2 per day, per boy (less than it costs to feed a dog), so that we can continue to provide some food each day for the boys.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Kendrick
Fairfield University '72
207 838 1319

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